“I am happy for what I have, not unhappy for what I don’t have.” – Alex Scott

We’d like to tell you about an inspiring little girl named Alex. Her spirit and story were so
deeply moving that we are pledging a percentage of profits to her foundation every quarter.

Alex’s Story

Alex Lemonade Stand Badge: Foundation for Childhood Cancer Lemonade Stand

Alex’s Story

Lemonade Stand

Alexandra “Alex” Scott was diagnosed with cancer before her first birthday. At 4, she held her first lemonade stand to raise money for doctors to help find better treatments and cures for kids like her.

Alex continued her selfless mission for four more years, holding lemonade stands and donating the proceeds. In 2004, at the age of 8, Alex passed away shortly after reaching her goal of raising $1 million dollars, thanks to others who joined Alex in her mission and held their own lemonade stands all across the country.

Alex’s parents started Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation in 2005 to continue her amazing work. The Foundation has since raised over $200 million to change the lives of kids with cancer by funding impactful research and supporting families affected by childhood cancer.

Learn more about ALSF

With each goPure product you purchase, you’re supporting this incredible foundation and helping families as they face the most trying times of their lives.

Banner stating "With your support, we have donated over 1,000 hours of childhood cancer research to-date!" with yellow lemon icons in the corners.

Open Quotations yellow color Dealing with cancer is an incredibly scary and difficult thing for little children and their families. At goPure, we are proud that every product we sell helps contribute to finding a cure for childhood cancers, as well as helps to treat and support children and their families during their battle with this disease. Close Quotations yellow color

- Alex Keyan, CEO/Founder of goPure Beauty

A graphic with childhood cancer awareness ribbon and 'Alex's Lemonade Stand' logo. It highlights '800' in blue, a yellow heart, and silhouette of a family, stating over '300,000+ new cases of cancer affect children worldwide' and 'over 800 new kids affected every day.
An awareness ribbon for childhood cancer next to the 'Alex's Lemonade Stand' logo. Large text '2X' over lemon graphics. Below, a statement reads 'Childhood cancer survivors are twice as likely to suffer chronic health conditions


Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation stands out from the crowd. When you shop to support the cause on goPure, you're making a direct impact in so many ways, including:

Grants for Good: Through partnerships with leading researchers across the country, ALSF has developed a successful grant program to make the biggest impact possible. This program has translated into innovative breakthroughs and access to new treatments, as well as a dramatic change in the landscape of childhood cancer. In addition to cutting-edge research grants, ALSF also funds grants designed to improve the quality of life and care as children fight cancer.

Resources in Real Time: ALSF helps offset travel expenses for families who must travel to receive potentially lifesaving treatment for their child. They also help connect families with clinical trials that match their child's diagnosis and provide support for siblings of kids fighting cancer.

Families Empowered by Kid Power: The concept of “fighting childhood cancer, one cup at a time” allows people who would not normally participate in fundraising join in — especially children. Lemonade stands allow kids to be part of the change as they support families and kids just like them.

Banner with a photo of a young girl in a hospital gown and the text "Your support allows Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation to fund cutting-edge pediatric cancer research and help kids like Charlotte."

Thank you so much for your support as we work together in the fight against childhood cancer.

Learn more about ALSF Shop to Support